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A Simple Gesture

I just returned from a conference in Baltimore, MD. I chose not to bring my laptop because it was another heavy thing to carry. I thought I would have access to my email at the site via another computer. I don't have a blackberry or android so I am relegated to a computer for this information. My access was limited and I felt a sense of relief and an odd feeling of disconnect.

I could not help think of the disconnect the people in Japan must feel who have lost everything. While Japan may not want our help I cannot stop thinking about the individual without a means of communication and I have been trying to figure out a way to help someone stay connected.

On my train ride back to NY on Saturday I was reading the NY Times. There in the first section was an ad for Eton Corp who has partnered with the Red Cross with the answer I was looking for.

Purchase an Emergency Radio equipped with a built in battery and cell phone charger for someone in Japan. The radio is activated by a crank. I own a similar one myself and they are great to have. No batteries needed. Cost to me? Peace of mind that someone I don't know will now have a means to remain connected in this terrible crisis.

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