March birthday shout-outs to:
Gabriella, Nika, Phoebe & Joanne!
Gabriella, Nika, Phoebe & Joanne!
Performing @ Cornelia Street Cafe
Saturday, March 1st @
Gretchen Parlato, Jazz Vocalist
with Mike Moreno, Jazz Guitarist/Composer
and Alan Hampton, Jazz Bassist
29 Cornelia St
between Bleeker & W 4th
9p - Gretchen Parlato
and Mike Moreno
10:15p - Alan Hampton & Special Guests
good music, good food,
good drink, good timesss!
Saturday, March 1st @

29 Cornelia St
between Bleeker & W 4th
9p - Gretchen Parlato
and Mike Moreno
10:15p - Alan Hampton & Special Guests
good music, good food,
good drink, good timesss!
Re-Zoning the "Atlantic Yards" Footprint Workshop: Saturday, March 1, 2008-10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Speculation has been increasing recently that Forest City Ratner's "Atlantic Yards" project could be falling prey to the triple-whammy of a slowing economy, the crisis in sub-prime mortgages and the global credit crunch. Big real estate deals all around the country are being put on hold or are being shelved altogether, and Ratner's planned City Tech tower project, which would have been Brooklyn's tallest building, unraveled yesterday.
All of which makes this Saturday's Hunter College-conducted workshop all the more relevant. The workshop will explore a re-zoning of the entire "Atlantic Yards" project footprint, building on the original UNITY Plan, the community-created alternative Ratner's project. With concern growing that Ratner might not build all, or even any, of "Atlantic Yards," the need to look at the area's future is critical. Urban-planning experts will lead a discussion touching on the area's current zoning, and community participants will work together to create a vision for future zoning and development. Kind of like what would happen if the state didn't seize control of the area and ram through a top-down project devoid of public input.
March 1, 2008
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
St. Cyril's Belarusian Cathedral
401 Atlantic Avenue (at Bond Street)
Hunter College CCPD would like an RSVP to 212-650-3328 or, but don't let that stop you. If you just show up, they'll gladly let you take part.
The workshop is presented by the Hunter College Center for Community Planning and Development (CCPD), and sponsored by the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods.
Speculation has been increasing recently that Forest City Ratner's "Atlantic Yards" project could be falling prey to the triple-whammy of a slowing economy, the crisis in sub-prime mortgages and the global credit crunch. Big real estate deals all around the country are being put on hold or are being shelved altogether, and Ratner's planned City Tech tower project, which would have been Brooklyn's tallest building, unraveled yesterday.
All of which makes this Saturday's Hunter College-conducted workshop all the more relevant. The workshop will explore a re-zoning of the entire "Atlantic Yards" project footprint, building on the original UNITY Plan, the community-created alternative Ratner's project. With concern growing that Ratner might not build all, or even any, of "Atlantic Yards," the need to look at the area's future is critical. Urban-planning experts will lead a discussion touching on the area's current zoning, and community participants will work together to create a vision for future zoning and development. Kind of like what would happen if the state didn't seize control of the area and ram through a top-down project devoid of public input.
March 1, 2008
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
St. Cyril's Belarusian Cathedral
401 Atlantic Avenue (at Bond Street)
Hunter College CCPD would like an RSVP to 212-650-3328 or, but don't let that stop you. If you just show up, they'll gladly let you take part.
The workshop is presented by the Hunter College Center for Community Planning and Development (CCPD), and sponsored by the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods.
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