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The unthinkable has occurred around the world from NY. Over 250 girls were abducted in the dead of night by the Boko Haram on April 14, 2014 from the dormatories. Sold as "slave brides". Boko Haram means "Western education is a sin" as we have come to learn.

What is the Nigerian government doing to find these girls? Why is this story not on the fore front of international news everyday to put pressure on Nigeria and to let this militant group see the world is searching and in protest of their recent atrocities?

What can we do to help? There is a campaign on twitter started by the parents of these girls which is #BringBackOurGirls to get the word out and to keep mobilizing towards this effort. This is not just Nigeria's problem, it's the worlds problem.

I am not a journalist but I am a citizen, a parent and a human being. It is difficult to see so little coverage about this daily as it should be. We hear about storms hourly, and all other atrocities regularly when they occur. This should be no different. This is about real girls in very real danger right now.

The media should not be silent. They need to be in our faces so the world knows and can join forces in some manner, be it more protests, vigils outside government offices to help and to keep the pressure on. This extremist faction has been getting away with the killings of children and women in Nigeria since 2009!

What can you do? 

Follow #BringBackOurGirls on Twitter and mobilize a vigil or a protest with impact so your voices are heard around the world.

Follow #BringBackOurGirls on Facebook and sign the petitions they created on their page with links directly to the sources that can help—but not without your input.

Imagine for a moment if one of these girls was your daughter, a sister or a niece. What would you do? Do it now.

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